The Best Process Control and Control Valve Posts of 2017 - Automation Service

The Best Process Control and Control Valve Posts of 2017

Valve Remanufacturing News from Automation Service

January 16, 2018

From tech tip videos and blog posts to free calibration and installation guides, Automation Service has the tips and tricks you can use to improve your day-to-day efficiency. Start 2018 off right by rediscovering some of our best process control and control valve resources of 2017:

Fisher V300 Control Valves

1. One Simple Thing You Can Do To Extend The Life Of Your Control Valve:
If you see your control valve leaking around the packing box or valve stem, you may be able to fix the leak using the instruction contained in this video. Jerry Butz, Director of Engineering, will walk you through this one simple procedure that can extend the life of your control valve.


2. How to Install Meters on Transmitters:
This Two-Cent-Tech-Tip video demonstrates how to install a new style meter to a 3051 transmitter.


3. Manifolds 101:
Manifolds can be a point of confusion. In this video, we will walk you through the different types of manifolds and their typical applications.


4. DVC6200 Calibration Download & 5. DVC6000 Calibration Download:
There is a common misconception that all you have to do is bolt your DVC digital valve controller on and it will immediately start working. Unfortunately, a DVC requires some initial set up to work properly. Our DVC6000 and DVC6200 installation and calibration guides will provide step-by-step instructions to walk you through the process.


6. Extend the Life of Pneumatic Instrumentation with Filter Regulators:
Using a filter regulator with pneumatically actuated valves is a small investment that can significantly extend the life of pneumatic instrumentation. Watch this video to learn the importance of using filter regulators.


7. HART® Not Recognizing Transmitter?
In this video, we will demonstrate a question we get from customers about the inability of their HART communicator to recognize a transmitter. We see this issue when there is not enough loop resistance between the power supply and the transmitter, and also when we are bench testing close to a regulated power supply or a very short wire run in the field.


8. How to Update HART® Device Descriptions:
Did you know that it’s important to update device descriptions on your HART Communicator? When OEM’s come out with new transmitters, they include newer firmware revisions within the software. When you buy a HART communicator, it is preloaded with a particular amount of device descriptions which will recognize certain firmware levels in instruments. Watch this video to learn more about the importance of updating your device descriptions.


9. Adjusting Actuator Orientation on E-Body Valves
Watch this video for step-by-step instructions to adjust E-body actuator orientation for a remanufactured Fisher 667 or 657 E-body sliding stem globe control valve. Without following the proper procedure to change the orientation, it’s possible to end up damaging the seat and the plug. In this video, we will demonstrate how to adjust E-body actuator orientation without damaging your valve.


10. Process Control Recycling Explained:
Watch this video to see how you can start a process controls recycling program in your department to make sure you’re getting the maximum value for your used or surplus process instrumentation  and control valves – with no hassle.